Distractions, alcohol, and inexperience: What makes summer so deadly for teen drivers

The ‘100 deadliest days’ for teen drivers is coming up

The '100 deadliest days' for teen drivers is coming up

It’s graduation season, prom season, and the start of summer for high school students — but while the end of school brings a lot of excitement, it also brings a lot of potential danger for teen drivers.

The “100 deadliest days” for teen drivers is about to start as Memorial Day weekend approaches.

From Memorial Day through Labor Day, AAA says the number of deadly teen car crashes jumps dramatically. During this time period in the U.S., an average of seven people die each day in crashes involving a teen driver.

A number of factors come into play during these deadly months, including distractions, alcohol, and inexperience.

The latter was the case for Meredith McClure and five of her friends, known as the “Fairport Angels,” who lost their lives in a crash in 2007. The girls had just graduated and were headed on a trip together when they tried to pass a car in traffic and hit a semi-truck head on, dying instantly.

AAA representatives gathered with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office and State Police to deliver a warning to parents ahead of the expected busiest Memorial Day weekend in nearly 20 years.

“Parents, we need you to talk to your kids. We need you to explain to them the dangers of it,” said Deputy Brendan Hurley, public information officer for the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. “Schools, keep talking with your kids about the importance of sharing the dangers of driving.”

Diane McClure, Meredith’s mom, also had a message for teens: “When a parent suggests maybe it’s not the right thing to do, maybe it’s not the right trip to take, maybe it’s not the right time to drive. Listen.”

As so many people hit the road, AAA is pleading with parents to have the conversation with their teen drivers about keeping phones down, following the speed limit, and limiting distractions. Police also said it’s important for parents to set good examples themselves first.

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