Dog left in a dumpster finds a new home

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — A dog once abandoned in a dumpster has found its new loving home.
The dog was found in a dumpster on Green Knolls Drive and taken in by Lollypop Farm’s Humane Law Enforcement on December 19.
The dog — that has since been given the name “Oscar” — is doing well, sporting a new hair-do, and found his forever home!
Lollypop Farm posted the positive update on its Instagram page.

Officials still don’t know who abandoned the dog in the dumpster, but Crime Stoppers is offering a reward to anyone with information that will help identify them.
To submit a tip, click here.
After Oscar was found in the dumpster, News10NBC spoke with the humane society to learn what’s actually considered “animal cruelty.” For that story, click here.