Emotional day of testimony and evidence in Kelvin Vickers’ trial

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — It was an emotional day in court, as the trial of Kelvin Vickers continued.

Vickers stands accused of murdering Rochester Police Officer Tony Mazurkiewicz as well as two other men, Myjel Rand and Ricky Collinge Jr., in July 2022.

Mazurkiewicz and his partner, Sino Seng, were investigating the murders of Rand and Collinge during an undercover detail when Vickers is alleged to have ambushed them, firing 17 shots into the minivan they were sitting in.

The testimony so far has been about the first two murders. The Monroe County District Attorney’s Office is presenting this case chronologically. They say Vickers killed those two men early Saturday night and Officer Mazurkiewicz Sunday night, July 21, so they’re trying to take the jury through his alleged actions that whole weekend — hour by hour.

Today was an emotional day for the family of Ricky Collinge because the jury saw body-worn camera video from a police officer who responded to the shooting scene along North Clinton Avenue. In that video, you can see Tireek Burden, who had just been shot in the leg during the same incident, try to get up and limp his way over to his nephew, Ricky Collinge. He as distraught and screaming, “Is my nephew dead?” and begging police officers to go around the corner and find out if Ricky was dead.

The court also heard from police officers and paramedics who responded to that scene. One of them testified that when he got to Ricky Collinge, he knew he was dead from multiple gunshot wounds to the head and chest.

Jennifer Lewke: Did you know the body cam was an option, had you seen it, and how do you feel seeing it?

Nikki Siplin, Ricky Collinge’s mother: I hadn’t seen the body cam, this is the first time I’ve seen it. It was very difficult, very … it was excruciatingly painful to watch, hear and see. Again, reliving that moment, from that phone call. That’s all I could go back to. And just hearing how devastated my brother was and calling me, crying telling me what he saw.

Jennifer Lewke: So, he called you right in that time frame?

Nikki Siplin: Right in that time frame and it just took me back to that moment, with him crying, calling me and letting me know my son was dead.

Jennifer Lewke: It seems like this is going to be one of many tough moments in the coming days. It looks like you have some support here.

Nikki Siplin: It’s going to be very difficult, I don’t know how I’m going to get through it. I just keep God first and just know that it will all work out in the end, that’s all I can hope for and pray for.