Erie County will create a domestic extremism task force that interacts with task forces statewide

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. — For the last four months, counties in western New York and the Finger Lakes have been working to form a network of task forces to identify potential threats.  

Now, Erie County is creating a domestic extremism and violence task force. It will identify potential threats and try to stop shootings like the massacre that killed 10 people at a Tops grocery store in Buffalo.

RELATED: Erie County starts ‘Risk Assessment Team’ modeled after established Monroe County team

RELATED: Monroe County Risk Assessment Team a model for other communities trying to stop mass shootings

Back in July, the Erie County Sheriff’s Office launched the Behavioral Threat Assessment Team. The new task force will work with that team as well as other task forces from counties around the state.

“If we find something or someone here that’s a risk potentially for Rochester, then we will contact the Rochester Police Department,” said Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz. “We will contact the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. We will contact the Emergency Services Division in Monroe County, so they understand that we’ve identified an individual who potentially could be at risk.”

Erie County is planning to have this task force up and running by the start of next year.