First Alert Weather In-Depth: Groundhog Day: Accuracy or entertainment?

Going in-depth on Groundhog Day

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. — You probably know what happened this weekend in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. He is the great fuzzy prognosticator called Punxsutawney Phil and this groundhog is the king of publicity. Much of this stems from the movie, “Ground Hog Day”, which featured the very talented Bill Murray (1993).  It is great fun, but it is important to note that this is weather folklore.

You may be wondering what is the tale of this folklore.  Simply stated, if Phil “sees” his shadow there will be another six more weeks of winter. If he does not see his shadow, it will be an early spring. This year, Punxsutawney Phil did see his shadow. As a result, winter is upon us, and will stay in Western New York. I am not necessarily happy about that prediction, but please keep in mind that Rochester usually gets another six more weeks of winter no matter what the prediction says.

The groundhog prediction goes back to 1886 and over that period Phil has predicted “more winter” 78% of the time with only 15% going to early spring (seven percent shows no record). More recently, Phil’s record is a little more dubious. In the last five years (going back to 2020) the groundhog has been incorrect three out of the five years.

There is no doubt that predicting the future is very difficult, but for now, I think our meteorological jobs are safe.