First Alert Weather: Yellow Alert is posted for potential lake snow on Monday

Thus far it has been a prolonged, heavy lake effect snow event for communities of the eastern portions of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Places like Perrysburg (south of Buffalo) have measured close to three feet of snowfall. But for the residents of Rochester that snowfall may be less than 50 miles away, but we have yet to see a single flake of snow.
The prevailing wind direction is likely to shift in the coming days, and that could bring the Lake Ontario snow band south and then push lake snow into Rochester. If that happens it would likely happen later Sunday night into Monday morning possibly having an impact on the Monday morning commute. As a result, the News 10NBC First Alert meteorologists have issued a yellow alert on the threat tracker for Monday. This will not be a big snow event for Rochester with minor accumulations likely, but portions of Wayne County could see three to six inches during that time.