First baby born on eclipse day 2024 at Highland Hospital

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – Rochester welcomed its first baby born on eclipse day 2024. Freya Elise Cilano Redeye was born at Highland Hospital at 8:48 a.m. on Monday to Sean Cilano and Melanie Redeye.
She weighs 7 pound 15 ounces. She was born by c-section, but it was not planned that way. The doctor’s only available time for the procedure this week was Monday morning.
Freya is the great-great niece of Bill Hoysic. Hoysic was born on January 24, 1925, the last time there was a total solar eclipse in Rochester.
Sean and Melanie are delighted that their first baby as born on a special day, but even more grateful that she is healthy.