First responders perform CPR on woman after Canandaigua crash
CANANDAIGUA, N.Y. — First responders performed CPR on a 75-year-old woman after a two car crash in Canandaigua on Wednesday.
The Macedon woman regained her pulse and breathing before she was taken to Strong Hospital by Mercy Flight to treat internal injuries.
The rear-end crash happened around 11:40 a.m. on State Route 21 and Deuel Road in Canandaigua. The cars were traveling the same direction on State Route 21 and crashed when one of the cars turned left.
Ontario County Sheriff’s deputies, the Cheshire Fire Department, and Canandaigua Ambulance responded to save the woman who was unresponsive.
An ambulance took the other driver, a 32-year-old Rushville man, to Thompson Hospital for chest pain. Deputies say he was issued a ticket for following the other car too closely. He had another passenger in his car.