Good Question: Update on Xerox Webster deal

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — We’re following up on one of your good questions about Xerox. This is about a big deal that’s been in the works for months, a takeover of Xerox property in Webster.

Bill sent me this message:

  • “I noticed in last Saturday’s D&C real estate section that 800 Phillips Road in Webster sold for $26 million. That is the address for Xerox Corporation What buildings sold and to who?”

Bill is right. County records confirm the deal went through earlier this summer. It was $26 million for the sale.

We first told you about these talks last year. The buyer is Tessy Plastics, a global contract manufacturer headquartered in Skaneateles.

What exactly does it make? I’m told it’s a 70%-30% split between medical/pharmaceutical products and items for the consumer market.

In late October, Tessy announced it was buying three buildings on the Webster Xerox campus. In total, the three buildings add up to about 1.5 million square feet. The biggest is 750,000 square feet. That’s about 13 football fields.

The announcement from the company says:

  • “Tessy plans to lease a portion of the purchased area in Webster to third party tenants and utilize the remainder as warehouse space. This is with the assumption that the buildings will later turn into full scale production plants.”

I followed up with Tessy staff this week to see if they could give me any specifics on how many new jobs we’re looking at that will be coming along with this project.

They still don’t have that figure to share but we’ll be sure to keep following up.

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