Good Question: What happened to the organ music at the carousel at Ontario Beach Park?

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — What happened to the organ music at the carousel at Ontario Beach Park?

For many years, you could hear music coming from the Dentzel Carousel but it has been over a decade since organ music played there. A viewer named Kenneth visited Ontario Beach Park and saw a sign at the Dentzel Carousel that reads “Sorry… The band organ is broken. We hope to have it repaired soon.”

Kenneth then wrote to us asking: “Are there plans to fix the organ any time soon? Local children of all ages would like to know.”

Monroe County says the sign is incorrect. The organ does work and the sign was displayed in error. So, if it works, why did the music stop?

The county says the organ “doesn’t have volume controls and apparently there were numerous complaints about the music being too loud. The parks department now uses an MP3 player to provide the music and prior to that, used a CD player.”

The music plays on, just not from the organ. The county says it’s not sure how long the sign had been there, but it has since been removed.

The organ isn’t totally silent. It still gets played for special events. The carousel was built in 1905 making it 118 years old as of Sept. 4.

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