Good Question: Why is the I-490 ramp in downtown Rochester still closed?

Why is the I-490 ramp in downtown Rochester still closed?

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Why has the I-490 ramp in downtown Rochester been closed for several months? The ramp, near the Frederick Douglass-Susan B. Anthony Bridge, remains closed with barriers and signs. Several viewers have asked about it.

Mike wrote: “The 490 East on ramp in downtown has been closed for several months. It doesn’t appear any work has been going on. They have changed some of the signage downtown but the detour signs are still posted. Do they have any plans on reopening the on ramp?”

Taylor wrote: “If you get on 490 West right near the Strong Museum, the nearest exit/on ramp that would normally take you to 490 East has been closed since, I swear, September. Why is it closed?”

The ramp, which loops around the Roc City Skate Park, appears inactive at the moment. However, the New York State Department of Transportation reports that “ancillary” work is currently underway.

A representative from the DOT explained, “The ramp was closed as part of a construction project on bridges over Interstate 490. We anticipate the ramp reopening in the spring.”

While preventative maintenance is being conducted on the main bridges, the DOT said that crews are still testing and inspecting the ramp. Any signs that were removed during this period will be replaced before the ramp reopens in the spring.

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