Hands-on surgical workshop opens doors for underrepresented students

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – Tackling diversity disparities within the medical field, the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) hosted a surgical skills workshop on Saturday, specifically designed for female and minority medical students.

The initiative, a collaboration with the Nth Dimensions Program, seeks to open doors to specialties like Orthopedics and Dermatology, which traditionally lack diversity. The workshop was held at the University of Rochester and provided a unique hands-on experience for participants to learn surgical skills directly from seasoned surgeons.

Lead instructor Orthopedic surgeon Rishi Balkissoon, a former Nth Dimensions scholar, credits the program with helping him build his successful career.

Nth Dimensions is a national program whose mission is to eliminate healthcare disparities by diversifying the physician workforce across all communities. Through partnerships like the one with URMC, it offers skill-building workshops to interest medical students in fields where women and people of color have historically been underrepresented.

By providing mentorship and early exposure to role models in these specialized fields, the workshop aimed to inspire and empower participants, demonstrating that a career in Orthopedics or Dermatology is within reach.