Henrietta double murder suspect has a history of violence with his family

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HENRIETTA, N.Y. – If you were watching last night, we told you the man arrested for killing his mother and father was charged with robbing and assaulting his father two years ago.

However, the District Attorney’s Office had to offer a lesser plea when the father refused to testify. Tonight we’re learning that the victim and attacker are related, that is not uncommon.

Brean: “In your experience, why do victims of crimes refuse to testify if the alleged perpetrator or attacker is someone they know, someone they love, or a family member?”

Jim Hinman, attorney: It’s very difficult to have charges pressed against someone you love.”

Jim Hinman is a lawyer who practices in criminal and family courts. He says people attacked by someone they love can have regrets after they call 911.

Hinman says, “But then frequently later on they’re backed up with misgivings. Thoughts that things will be better.”

On Wednesday night, the Sheriff’s Office says Rajab Panahi attacked his mother, father, and another woman. They say he killed his parents with kitchen knives.

In the same home 18 months earlier, Banahi was arrested for robbing and assaulting his father. When his father refused to testify, the District Attorney’s Office was forced to offer Banahi a lesser charge. He took it and got probation.

This week, the sheriff says Banahi attacked again.

Brean: “Has this happened in your experience? Has this happened to clients of yours?”

Hinman: “Regularly. On both sides. If the situation is dropped and not addressed then nothing has changed and it’s likely to occur again and perhaps even several times. As you can see, you can have fatal consequences. “

The probation sentence included anger management and mental health treatment. We don’t have access to records to see if that happened.

Six months after the first attack on his father, Banahi was arrested for attacking an employee at Strong Hospital. He got a year in jail and was released last July.