Homeboy Industries educates students about danger of gangs

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. McQuaid Jesuit High School had some special guests Tuesday to educate students about the impact of gang violence.

Father Greg Boyle and representatives of Homeboy Industries came to their gymnasium. Homeboy Industries is an organization that employs and trains former gang members in an effort to get them out of that environment.

During this assembly, speakers took time to talk to the students about the devastating effects gang violence can have on their own community.

“It’s inspiring for me and my colleague, Myles, to come out and give you a word of encouragement so that you will stay on the right path and don’t stray away,” Homeboy Industries Representative King Johnson said. “Don’t be influenced by the bad but only be influenced by what’s good for you and your life.”

Homeboy Industries is the largest gang rehabilitation and re-entry program in the world.