Lego fan convention brings thousands to Henrietta

HENRIETTA, N.Y.- Thousands of Lego lovers and thousands of Lego pieces came together on Sunday for the Brick Universe Lego Fan Convention. Attendees browsed Lego creations made by world renowned Lego artists.

Lego enthusiasts say Bick Universe is a one-of-a-kind Lego experience.

“I think they’re going to see Lego in ways they’ve never seen before. Ways to create shapes and the imagination just takes hold. One of the things I love about our group is there are so many different focuses.” Jeff Johnson, Ambassador, ROC LUG “Other members build nothing but robots, or they like military things. There’s so much variety here that there’s really something for everybody.”

The creators of those awesome Lego scenes were there for attendees to meet and chat about all the work and creativity it takes to build.