Local man’s Hyundai stolen three times
ROCHESTER, N.Y. – Since the Kia-Hyundai TikTok Challenge started more than 120 of these cars have been stolen right here in Rochester. News10NBC talked to one Brighton man who has seen his car stolen three times.
Tyrell Jackson says he has not only been victimized by the thieves who stole his car, but also by the dealership where he bought the car, and the company he used to insure his car.
“When you hear about it, you’re like of course this is not going to happen to me,” said Jackson.
Up until recently. Jackson owned a 2021 Hyundai Elantra. Last year he became an unwilling participant in the Kia-Hyundai TikTok Challenge soon after learning about it.
“Low and behold just two weeks after hearing about it, my neighbor left a note on my door saying she saw two boys loitering in my garage,” said Jackson.
Since the Kia-Hyundai TikTok Challenge started more than 120 of these cars have been stolen right here in Rochester. News10NBC talked to one Brighton man who has seen his car stolen three times.
He says he checked his car, and everything was fine. The next day, August 17, 2022, his car was stolen, but found quickly.
“The steering column was completely dismantled, on the floor,” said Jackson. He continued, “The back window was broken, smashed in so I called Brighton Police to let them know what had happened, and that’s when I realized I was a victim,” said Jackson.
He became a victim again earlier this year on January 24th. He says his car was stolen out of the parking lot of School Number 5.
Jackson said, “I’m looking for my car. I’m sure I parked it this morning, and then I realized my car has been stolen.”
Rochester Police found his car and had it impounded. Jackson was happy to get his car back, but left saddened at the same time.
“They broke into my glove compartment and there was a picture of my mom, and brother. Very sentimental picture. It was heart wrenching to see that picture ripped up,” said Jackson.
Then his car was stolen for a third time on February 28th. This time while it was at the dealership ready to be repaired from the last time it was taken.
“They told me that someone had stolen the car right off the lot,” said Jackson.
He calls the entire experience mentally depressing.
“I’ve suffered economic loss. $1,500 deductibles, on top of gas prices, on top of inflation. I’ve probably spent almost $5,000 in deductibles, gas, rental payments,” said Jackson.
Finally, he walked away from his old car, and bought a new one.
“It’s a Subaru. Subaru, and it has an immobilizer in it, and it’s a push start, and they do last long,” said Jackson.
Jackson tells us he’s now seeking an attorney to sue the car dealership where his car was stolen from. Apparently, he says he’s still responsible for monthly payments on the car he no longer owns.