Local state lawmakers have met with governor’s office Tuesday over possible Seneca casino plan

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – Members of the delegation of lawmakers who represent the Rochester area have met with the governor’s office Tuesday afternoon.

The issue is the preliminary compact negotiated between the Seneca Nation and New York State, which, as first reported by Politico, includes a possible casino in Rochester.

Assemblyman Harry Bronson, who has not seen the proposed compact because of non-disclosure agreements between the Senecas and the state, says he’s learned the casino would be in the “Rochester market” – which does not necessarily mean the city or downtown.

The virtual meeting between Bronson, other lawmakers, and the governor’s office is to address concerns over lack of transparency, the adverse impact of the non-disclosure agreements, and the lifting of some or all of the NDA so that people in the Rochester area and those who represent it know what’s in the deal.

Bronson also told News10NBC that he is scheduling a meeting with the Seneca Nation. A date and time hasn’t been set yet.

The 20-year-old compact between the Seneca Nation and New York State expires Dec. 9. Last week the Senate approved the bill that authorizes the governor’s office to negotiate the details of the compact. The Assembly did not vote when Bronson raised concerned to the governor’s office and Assembly speaker.

The Assembly will probably be called back to Albany to vote on remaining bills next Tuesday. There is no scheduled vote on the compact yet.

News10NBC is preparing to speak to local state lawmakers after the 4 p.m. meeting.

Bronson sent News10NBC the following statement:

“Today, the Greater Rochester Majority Delegation met with representatives from the Governor’s office to discuss the Seneca Nation’s gaming compact renewal and proposed placement of a casino in Rochester. 

The Delegation is conducting full due diligence on this matter and is having conversations with all concerned parties, including local stakeholders, the County Executive, the Mayor’s office, and other government partners. We are particularly concerned about how this could affect the families we represent. 

We feel very strongly that any potential agreement between the State and the Seneca Nation must be made with full transparency of all relevant information, and include the input of our community. More information is expected from the Governor’s office.”