Metro Justice releases report card on vote for public utility

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Metro Justice released a report card for local lawmakers Tuesday.

It lists how each of the Monroe County and City Council legislators would vote to fund a study into a potential public utility. The study would be the first step in a long process to replace Rochester Gas and Electric with a public utility provider.

“It feels amazing to get this far,” Metro Justice Organizing Director Mohini Sharma said. “It really shows that when the public turns out and organizes and puts forward a clear vision and a clear process for something that is a great idea, which is a public utility, that I can win and we are winning.”

You can find the report card below. Metro Justice is urging legislators to vote on funding for the study by the end of spring.

Here is a statement from RG&E:

“RG&E has made significant progress in addressing billing issues by hiring hundreds of new staff, greatly reducing wait times and improving accuracy of customer bills. These actions along with providing millions of dollars in relief to customers impacted by rising rates, suspending late payment charges, and invested over $11 million in economic development in just a few years, shows the dedication of our committed staff. Unfortunately, even with these proven results, there are those few who look to leverage any issue to push for a misguided and irresponsible political agenda of government controlled power. These facts, along with the examples of past failed attempts at government controlled power does nothing to improve service or reliability, but rather puts taxpayers on the hook for billions of dollars while raising rates, jeopardizing needed grid improvements and halting any transition to clean energy.”

More about calls to take over RG&E:

More about RG&E billing issues: