Candidates running for Monroe County Executive go head-to-head in “Voice of the Voter” debate
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — No topic was off limits at Thursday’s Monroe County Executive debate between Democratic-incumbent Adam Bello and Republican-challenger Mark Assini.
The hour long exchange touched on issues from tax rates, spending, and public safety.
Touting his record as County Executive since 2019, Adam Bello took the stage at Thursday’s debate to tell voters he’s made a difference.
“I’ve made historic investments in our public safety system by increasing the sheriffs office by fifty new deputies, increased investments in the district attorney, and the crime lab,” says Bello.
But according to Republican challenger and former Gates Town Supervisor Mark Assini, it hasn’t been enough.
“We do need a fully funded police department,” says Assini. “We have to repeal raise the age, less is more, and cashless bail.”
Assini also criticized Bello for high tax rates and being careless about spending.
“We have increased spending over $100 million in this county since Mr. Bello’s administration. The tax levy is $20 million higher annually since he took office, and you have been over billed in your taxes,” says Assini.
But according to Bello, he’s done plenty to keep taxes as low as possible.
“We have cut the property tax three times over three years to the lowest property tax rate we’ve had in decades,” Bello says. “In addition to that, the property tax levy as its risen under my admin has gone up by a smaller percentage than it did under both of my previous predecessors.”
With early voting just two days away, both Bello and Assini say they are the right person for the job.