More vandalism at Spencerport High School

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SPENCERPORT, N.Y. – Vandalism for a second time. Painted senior parking spots at Spencerport High School had crude graffiti written all over them. This is the second time that painted spots were destroyed.

News10NBC’s Stephanie Duprey was at the school last week when it happened, and she caught up with some students this weekend.

Over a dozen spots destroyed with black spray paint. Some had inappropriate language, and others had disturbing images. Senior class president Trevor Pettit says, his class is staying positive.

“I felt, angry, even a little guilty, betrayed, and honestly just saddened by the whole thing,” Pettit said.

Spencerport High School seniors are in total disbelief that their painted parking spots were vandalized for a second time.

“People were visibly distraught, I mean how can you not be after all the time that went into painting, and creating, and designing these super intricate spots, just to have them vandalized again,” Pettit added.  

Pettit and other students spent hours repainting and cleaning up graffiti from last weekend. A week later, even more destruction. This time the suspects used black spray paint, to write crude language, and draw crude images.

I reflected on a quote by Michelle Obama, one that has really resonated with me, the quote is, “When they go low, you go high,” Pettit said, in high spirits.

Pettit says the community has shown up to help in ways he never thought they would. He says students are going to rise above, and repaint their spots before classes start next week.

“The parking spots, it’s terrible and everything, but I think that is the biggest take away we have here. In that a couple of delinquents, and a few cans of spray paint, can’t stop anything like what we have here.”

Pettit says school officials, along with the Ogden Police Department, were with students at the school this morning assessing the damage. He says he was assured that more security would be around the senior parking lot, to make sure this doesn’t happen for a third time. Police still do not have any suspects, and anyone with  information is asked to give them a call.