Mother of 1984 murder victim testifies against accused killer

Testimony begins in Timothy Williams trial

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Testimony is underway in the trial of Timothy Williams.

On Thursday, Williams sat just feet away from Marlene Jerome — the mother of the 14-year-old he’s accused of killing in Rochester in 1984.

Marlene took the stand, to testify what she remembered from Thanksgiving day, nearly 40 years ago.

Marlene remembers small details like it was yesterday — Wendy’s denim jacket she always wore, her noticeable short height when entering a room.

The family lived on Denver Street, where Wendy would often hang out at the rec center down the road, and play foosball.

Marlene testifies working her job that day as a mental health outpatient coordinator, on Thanksgiving in 1984. She came home around 3 p.m. to her husband, Wendy and other siblings making dinner. They all ate, before she said she decided to take a nap.

Wendy asked her dad for permission to deliver a birthday card to her friend Susie, just as it was starting to get dark out. She got permission, but her parents started to worry around 8:15 p.m. when she didn’t return home.

Marlene testifies Wendy would always call home, before going anywhere with her friends. They called police.

A few hours later, a passerby called 911 to report seeing her body on the sidewalk, outside School No. 33.

A few investigators testified securing the murder scene, upon locating the body around 10:40 p.m. They did this by hanging up crime scene tape, placing finger print powder and collecting evidence.

The courtroom saw gruesome images from that night — which Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley says is never easy.

“It was very compelling to see autopsy photographs, and some of the injuries she sustained throughout the course of the incident,” says Doorley. Bruises could be seen on her body. “Well there’s a lot of blood evidence we heard about. There was blood evidence shown in photographs around the body, and some shown in an area not far from where they body was found.”

Wendy was raped, according to investigators. The semen was linked to Williams.

One of the first investigators on scene, was Rochester Police Investigator Mike Mazzeo.

Mazzeo said it was apparent right away, she was dead. There were bruises, and blood stains around her body. The evidence they grabbed, included a white bra on a fence, cigarette butt and lighter, and her denim jacket.

Officers talked about the technology used to track finger prints.

“I don’t think you’ve heard yet, the tests that were done on these items of evidence and what the results yielded. I will be able to argue we have confidence in the forensic science in terms of what they examined and when they examined it,” says Doorley.

The defense team says the jury will have to determine if the DNA and physical evidence, ties Timothy Williams to murder.