Mount Olivet Baptist Church, St. John Fisher University collaboration recognized

St. John Fisher, Mount Olivet Baptist Church honored for collaborations

St. John Fisher, Mount Olivet Baptist Church honored for collaborations

Nursing students at St. John Fisher University and the Mount Olivet Baptist Church in Rochester were recognized during the university’s annual Community Engagement awards ceremony and celebration.

The program recognizes students, faculty and community partners who help advance community-engaged learning and civic engagement at the university.

“It’s really an opportunity for our students at St. John Fisher to be engaged with community, have an impact in reciprocity, meaning they also have an impact on the community partners while the community has an impact on them — and there’s mutual learning and respect fostered from that experience,” Emily Colliss, associate director at St. John Fisher University, said.

The award follows a number of collaborations between the church and the school over the last few years focused on public health.