Neighbors complain about stench from plant in Williamson

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Something smells fishy around here — but where it’s coming from is the question. That’s what neighbors in one Wayne County town told us.

Now the state Department of Environmental Conservation is involved.

Neighbors say the smell is so bad it’s driving them and their kids insane.

“Somebody’s burning dirty diapers, like disgusting,” Katie Mitrano said.

“Can’t let the kids play outside, the smell is nauseating,” Tiffany Skerrett said.

Williamson Town Supervisor Anthony Verno says there was a smell coming from Baldwin Richardson Foods’ waste treatment plant last week.

He didn’t want to go on camera, but he said it’s been resolved. However, when there is a strong gust of wind people in the neighborhood may smell a stench coming from the plant.

“We walk out of the garage and my six-year-old is like ‘what is that smell. It smells like rotting meat,’” Mitrano said.

The manufacturer of food toppings has a waste treatment plant behind the building. Supervisor Verno says the ph levels got out of whack last week and caused this odor.

He claims the smell is gone now.

I didn’t smell anything when I was speaking with him on Route 104 — but when I went closer to the treatment plant, the foul smell was horrible.

“My kids got out of the car and immediately are like ‘mommy, I’m going to be sick. And it was awful. There was no warning,’” Tiffany Skerrett said.

She has lived in Williamson her entire life. Her home is about a mile away from the Baldwin Richardson Foods waste treatment plant.

Katie Mitrano lives half a mile from Tiffany and when I got there the odor was worse. Her kids don’t want to come outside.

Mitrano’s next-door neighbor said the smell comes around every summer. She has lived in Williamson since 2018.

“It smells like garbage. I walked out yesterday, and I was gagging. And I have four kids, I’m good, I can handle smells,” Ali Sprague said.

Baldwin Richardson Foods notified the DEC on Monday that an electrical problem shut down the facility’s pond aerators.

Baldwin Richardson Foods also got back to me, saying the equipment has been repaired. But people on East Ridge Road are still dealing with an odor.

Baldwin Richardson Foods issued the following statement:

“Baldwin Richardson Foods is committed to being good partners to the residents and Town of Williamson. Recently, an equipment malfunction disrupted our water treatment reservoir, temporarily creating an unpleasant smell. The equipment has been repaired and conditions restored in the reservoir, and we are working to minimize this issue in the future.”

The DEC issued this statement:

“On June 19, Baldwin Richardson Foods notified DEC that an electrical problem had shut down the facility’s pond aerators. DEC also received a complaint about the facility via email.

“The lack of aeration created the smell and Baldwin Foods has since fixed the problem. DEC regulates this facility under a New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit. DEC continues to closely monitor the facility to ensure it complies with applicable state laws and regulations to protect public health and the environment.”