New York State Board of Elections urges voters to become poll workers

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — August 23 has been declared as National Poll Worker Recruitment Day.

The New York State Board of Elections is urging registered voters to help New York vote in the 2024 election.

“Poll workers provide a critical service by ensuring elections are open and accessible to all voters. In 2024, New York will require poll workers for three elections — the Presidential Primary, Federal and State Primary, and General Election,” said Kristen Zebrowski Stavisky, co-executive director of the State Board of Elections. 

Officials explain that poll workers are responsible for setting up voting equipment, signing-in voters, report election results and more.

The Board of Elections says over 55% of poll workers are over 60 years old.

To be eligible to be a poll worker, one must be registered to vote in New York State. To sign up, fill out the NYS Board of Elections online form.

If you live in New York City, click here.

If you live outside New York City, click here.