Nineteen animals removed from Penfield home deemed unlivable

PENFIELD, N.Y. – A home on Whalen Road in Penfield was deemed unlivable on Monday due to unsanitary conditions.

Police originally got word of the home’s condition by someone who lives in the area and was concerned about the animals safety.  

The cats were removed from the home and taken to the Humane Society at Lollypop Farm to be assessed.

The vice president for law enforcement at the humane society, Reno DiDomenico, said the condition inside the home was bad and his main priority is getting the animals to a safe location.

“We have to make to make sure we get the rest of animals out of the location and the animals to Lollypop Farm to be looked at our clinic our veterinarian clinic and determine the physical condition of those animals,” he said.

According to law enforcement, the homeowner did surrender the animals and is cooperating with them at this time. The rest of the animals will be taken from the home in the next few days.

Lollypop Farm asks if you suspect animal abuse in your community to call them immediately. The number is (585) 223-6500.