NYS issues updated FAQs on new gun laws set to take effect Sept. 1
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Last Tuesday, the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services and the Division of State Police released statewide minimum standards to guide authorized instructors in administering concealed carry firearms safety training courses as will be required for some permit holders come Sept. 1. On Saturday, the state released a FAQ on these guidelines.
In a special session earlier this summer, the NYS legislature passed a series of new requirements for people who want to carry a concealed weapon. As of Sept. 1, hands-on live training for many will be required.
The training includes a written test that you need 80% or better to pass. There are also two hours of hands-on training where you must show proficiency in range safety, safe drawing, dry firing, and safe loading among other things. After that, there will also be an assessment to prove proficiency.
According to the New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services:
Concealed carry permit holders who live outside of NYC, Westchester, Nassau and Suffolk counties are not required to take the training.

The different standard for different parts of the state comes down to very nuanced language in the new law. “If your county has a re-certification process, you do not have to do this course, only in the counties that have a renewal process do you need to do this initially or on a recurring basis,” explains Dave Jenkins, a firearms instructor and the owner of Rochester Personal Defense.
NYS also made the distinction on the record during a federal court hearing on Tuesday. “They made it clear, it was really set in stone on Tuesday when we saw the briefs coming through,” Jenkins adds, referring to the federal documents filed to determine whether an injunction will halt the implementation. The judge said he will rule before Sept. 1.
“The reality is that almost 10% of people in this county have pistol licenses and I know how many active instructors there are in Monroe County, it was going to be an impossible task,” Jenkins says. “It would’ve been too much and it would’ve taken over and then we would’ve become certifiers instead of instructors and I don’t like that.”
If the law moves forward, those who want to get a new concealed carry permit anywhere in New York State will have to take the training before submitting their application as will those who want to renew their licenses downstate.
Dave Jenkins – It’s already established two different classes of people now, those who don’t have to do it and those who now have to do it and we already have some clients that come to us that have to wait two or three months after they do a $60 course to pay for the $130 for the application because they don’t have the money.
Jennifer Lewke – How much do you anticipate this new training will cost?
Dave Jenkins – We are still looking at those details but it’s going to be probably somewhere around $400 because we have to pay staff, we have to pay for the classroom we also have to pay for range use and we’ve got to pay for materials, there’s a lot of material that’s going to be involved in this.
The full, updated guidance and FAQ can be read below.
Full Guidance:
Frequently Asked Questions: