On Yellow Alert day, will the show go on at Party in the Park?

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The stage is ready for Party in the Park — but what is Thursday night’s rain going to mean for people going to the concert?

Officials tell News10NBC the show will go on rain or shine with some exceptions if there is severe flooding or lightening in the area. It’s the 26th year in a row bands have been taking the stage as part of the six-week-long music festival.

But what safety protocols are in place if unruly weather comes out way?

You wouldn’t think there would be much of a weather threat if you look at the sky. But as First Alert Meteorologist Stacey Pensgen mentioned in her forecast, storms are expected to move through the area beginning around 8 p.m.

News10NBC’s Bret Vetter had a chance to speak with Rochester Events CEO Jeff Springut who says that the event will go on rain or shine with some caveats.

If the rain gets too heavy, there is hail, or nearby lightening, fans are to take shelter in a nearby building or their car if it is safe to do so.

“There are two main entrances and one main exit towards the rear of the park,” says Springut. “We will announce that during the show or before the band starts. We only cancel shows if there’s lightening — if there’s really really bad weather.”