PAB Alliance holds town hall to update community on PAB

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. – The Police Accountability Board Alliance held a town hall on Saturday to reengage the community and let them know what’s going on at the PAB.

The PAB Alliance is a collection of community groups that work together to support the PAB and its employees. Organizers say they were inspired to put on the town hall after city council put out a community survey to get opinions on the PAB’s performance.           

The alliance says that’s not a fair survey because of the problems facing the PAB right now, like a budget freeze.

“It’s important the community has an accurate narrative, get people engaged,” Pastor Wanda Wilson, Police Accountability Board Alliance.

The budget freeze was one of three measures passed by city council in December to overhaul the board after months of turmoil inside the PAB and a significant lack of progress on PAB investigations.