PAB releases results of investigation into use of force involving children

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The Rochester Police Accountability Board has released the results of its first oversight investigation into use of force incidents involving children.

After analyzing more than 318 use of force incidents between December 2021 and May 2023, it found nearly 80% involved Black boys 17 or younger. The report also found nearly 30% of the incidents involved officers pointing their handguns at children.

The PAB concludes Rochester Police “may not be equipped to appropriately handle” people in vulnerable situations, but policies implemented show intention to improve interactions.

News10NBC reached out to RPD for comment, and they tell us they haven’t been given the report from the PAB.

“While we generally do not comment on PAB actions, as they are not an agency that RPD is affiliated with, what I can say is that we provide all BWC footage/reports to the PAB that we are legally able to.  Regarding juvenile records, are governed by the Family Court Act and frequently sealed as part of Family Court actions.  Chief Smith is eagerly awaiting receipt of this report from the PAB and will evaluate it once received,” says Captain Greg Bello.

PAB officials say they’re next investigation will be into the discipline of officers.