Woman dies after fire at vacant house on Laser Street, Arson Task Force investigating

Person taken to hospital after fire at vacant house on Laser Street

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UPDATE: Rochester Police say the woman found, 57-year-old Marilyn Garcia, has died from her injuries from the fire.

The Arson Task Force, made up of RPD RFD, and the ATF, is investigating the fire. Anyone with information is asked to call 911.

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — A person was taken to the hospital after a fire at a vacant house on Laser Street off Joseph Avenue on Thursday night.

The fire took 30 minutes to battle. Rochester firefighters say they saw smoke coming from the house around 9:30 p.m. Crews had to remove boards from doors and windows to get inside and fight the fire.

During their search, firefighters found a person inside and gave the person emergency medical care on the porch. News10NBC asked RFD Lt. Jackie Sierra about what firefighters consider while providing medical care before an ambulance arrives.

“We have to consider smoke inhalation, burns, all of that stuff. They were quickly removed and transported to Rochester General Hospital,” she said.

RFD says the house is now uninhabitable. No firefighters were injured and RFD is still investigating the cause.