Proposed state budget carves out $100 million for reducing gun violence

ALBANY, N.Y. — New York already spent a lot of money on guns and gun control. This budget adds $100 million. 

Governor Kathy Hochul says, “The cities that are struggling to get guns out of the hands of individuals who should not have them or stop the flow of guns coming in into them, are struggling with meeting that demand with resources and people.”

The governor’s budget spends money to reduce gun violence, add more crime analysis centers so police can share information faster, and it’s adding money for district attorneys so they meet the narrow deadlines to get evidence to defense lawyers. 

If you talk to prosecutors, that’s a real problem. There’s also money for job training and programs for kids and young people. 

“So we can divert them away from the temptation of the street, the gangs that are preying on them and give them a more hopeful future,” says Hochul. 

Let’s compare this January to last january. In Rochester, there are twice as many homicides but half the number of shootings. 

Stolen cars are off the charts. 

The budget deadline is April 1. At 6, the governor says judges are confused about bail reform. So she says her budget is going to try to clarify that.