Rochester police respond to two crashes on Friday morning, one driver arrested for DWI
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Rochester police responded to two crashes on Friday morning. No one was seriously injured in either crash.
Police said a drunk driver crashed into a tree in Rochester, then tried to make a run for it at around 1:45 a.m. on Sherman Street.
Officers said they were able to catch the driver nearby, a 33-year-old man who was arrested for DWI and other traffic tickets.
RPD also responded to a crash just after 2 a.m. at Clifford and Portland Avenues. Police said a driver ran a red light and slammed into another car making a turn.
Rochester police responded to two crashes on Friday morning. No one was seriously injured in either crash.
The driver took off from the scene and hasn’t been found. A passenger in that car stayed at the scene. Two people in the other vehicle went to the hospital to get checked out.