SNAP ’emergency allotment’ benefits will be eliminated after February
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Emergency SNAP benefits, which have been issued since April 2020 to help households during the COVID pandemic, will be eliminated after February due to the passage of new federal legislation.
Starting in March, snap recipients will get only one allocation per month: their normal benefit.
Monroe County representatives are now trying to make it easier for residents to learn more about these recent changes and open up resources to help.
“Once we realized that it was impossible to change this,” says Causewave Community Partners President and CEO, Todd Butler. “We said we have a moral imperative to make sure that people at least know that this change is coming and that they can do what they can to prepare.”
Officials say the elimination of supplemental benefits represents a reduction of nearly $11 million per month for Monroe County families, and will impact more than 62,000 households.
Foodlink Chief Partnerships & Strategy Officer and Rochester City Councilman Mitch Gruber explains what SNAP recipients can do: