Another stolen car smash-and-grab: When is this going to end?
ROCHESTER, N.Y. The violence with stolen cars continues. People in a stolen car tried to smash through the front door of Heroes Brewing Company. This time, they get scared away by an employee.
Security camera footage shows a stolen KIA casing the parking lot. Eventually, it squeezes through the pillars and touches the glass doors. Then it backs up, accelerates and smashes through.
“And we were literally talking about it on Tuesday saying we’re on the list, it’s a matter of time. And three days later we were hit,” said Greg Fagen, Co-owner of Heroes Brewing Company.
Fagen says one of his employees was working at the time and came to the door after the first impact.
“There he is right there,” Fagen said. “And then they back away.”

Someone drove into Heroes Brewing Co on Atlantic Avenue on Feb. 3, 2023. (Photo: Heroes Brewing Co.)
A short time later, we found this KIA blocked by police less than two miles away on Alexander Street. Rochester police won’t say it’s the same car. We’ve tracked these smash-and-grabs over the last two weeks. They hit Record Archive and Comedy at the Carlson.
And when they stole the ATM from there, they went to a nearby industrial lot and tried to use the stolen SUV to crash the ATM open. The next day, we saw all the damage left behind.
“These individuals should know that we are on their trail,” said Mayor Malik Evans. The mayor said this is a bigger problem outside the city. “There have been 15 in the county of these people driving into buildings, smashing, sometimes getting away with stuff, nine times out of 10 not getting away with stuff. Four in the city.”
The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office gave us a list of eight cases going back two weeks. Some involve a rock being used instead of a car. We will reach out to the other suburban police departments.
The cases in the city have a chilling effect on customers.
“It’s just an ugly time right now and it’s unfortunate,” Fagen said. “We’ve had customers who don’t want to come to the city because they’re afraid and we need to ride this out.”
Photo City Music Hall neighbors Heroes Brewing Co. Photo City Music Hall owner Daniel Nielsen shared the following statement Friday night.
“In light of recent local break-ins, we believe that the community will keep strong and band together. In recent years we’ve seen this neighborhood make some magnificent strides forward and we will continue to be a part of that community progress and shining light. The collective of businesses in this neighborhood consists of strong business owners that we believe will always stand together & steadfast in light of adversity.”
Watch: Would-be thieves crash into Heroes Brewing Co.
Police are asking anyone with surveillance video of both areas to review it and call 911 if they see anything suspicious.
Police are still investigating similar burglaries at Record Archive and Comedy at the Carlson.