Two-year-old dead, left in hot car for three hours in Florida

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ORANGE CITY, F.L. — A tragic story out of central Florida. A two-year-old girl is dead after she was mistakenly left inside of a hot car.

Police say the parents and their four children came home from lunch on Thursday, but didn’t realize their two-year-old was left inside the car for three hours.

They returned to the car and found their little girl in her car seat unresponsive.

No charges have been filed so far as police continue their investigation.

Temperatures inside of an enclosed car can spike about 20 degrees in just 10 minutes during the summer. It was 90 degrees that day in Florida.

Temperatures that high can be deadly to young children. According to the kids and car safety organization, there have already been eight hot car deaths in the nation.

Half of them have been in Florida.