EVENTS: Final Food truck rodeo of the season is Wednesday night

Food Truck Rodeo (file photo)
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Here is your guide to events around Rochester. You can learn more about what’s happening around town on our Community Calendar.
UPCOMING: Food truck rodeo (April 26 to Sept. 27)
The final Food Truck Rodeo on the season is on Wednesday night. Food trucks with a variety of dishes and live music will at the Rochester Public Market from 5 to 9 p.m.
The band Big Blue House will play at Food Truck Rodeo. It’s the sixth Food Truck Rodeo of the season:
April 26 with Jumbo Shrimp (pop/rock)May 31 with FolkFaces (blues, rock)June 28 with Tommy Brunett Band (rock)July 26 with iGNiTE Band (reggae)August 30 with Junkyard Field Trip (indie)- September 27 with Big Blue House (folk rock/blues)
SUNDAYS: Community garage sales (April 16 to Oct. 22)
The Rochester Public Market is holding a community garage sale and superflea on some Sundays from April to October. Vendors will sell items including clothing, tools, home décor, sporting goods, vintage collectibles, artwork, and antiques.
You can register for a table to sell items for $35 a day on Sundays throughout the year. Vendors who register to sell will also get a parking space. You can learn more about vending at the annual series here or at the Market Office on 280 North Union Street.
The community garage sales run from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Here is the schedule:
April 16 and 30June 18July 2, 16 and 30Aug. 13 and 27- Sept. 10 and 24
- Oct. 8 and 22