Volunteer firefighter recruiting events held across New York State

BUSHNELL’S BASIN – As members of the Firefighters Association of the State of New York called for more funding in the state budget, there were recruiting events held throughout the state.

“The greatest thing is really the job itself, being able to help out the community. That’s the best thing. There are some other benefits in terms of you get the T-shirts, you get the sweatshirts, and in Perinton we enjoy the property tax reduction, 10%, so that’s pretty good,” President of the Bushnell’s Basin Fire Department, Bill Morris said.

“We just really want to be a strong part of the community, continue to help our neighbors in their time of need, and just have the ability to grow as the community does,” Morris said.

Volunteer firefighter and Chairman of the Recruiting Committee in Pittsford, Eric Lawler said that recruiting events on the weekend are key to keeping departments like his appropriately staffed.

“This open house is part of a statewide initiative that is to recruit in New York. The State sponsors the weekend in hopes that volunteer firefighter companies across the State will open their doors, host an open recruitment event, open house, get out in the community and raise awareness for the need of volunteer firefighter services,” Lawler said.

According to a recently published FASNY (Firefighters Association of the State of New York) economic impact study, dedicated volunteer firefighters help New York tax payers save more $4.7 billion dollars through their annual services.

Benefits that Lawler hopes lawmakers will keep in mind as they plan ahead for more open house events.

“We open our doors to anybody. Anybody over the age of 18 is welcome to join our organization. We welcome anyone who can help our organization in any capacity,” Lawler said.