Good Question: What’s happening with the Newport condos on Irondequoit Bay?

Good Question: What’s happening with the Newport condos in Irondequoit

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IRONDEQUOIT, N.Y. — A row of partially finished condos have been sitting empty on Irondequoit Bay for years. What will happen with these condos?

The project, which sits on the former site of the historic Newport House directly on the water, has been on pause and many have noticed. In the 1800s, the Newport House was the first hotel built on Irondequoit Bay. It was the place to be for boaters, politicians, and wealthy Rochesterians.

Anthony asks, “Any idea what’s going on with the old Newport House in Irondequoit? There’s half completed condos that are falling apart.”

Beth also writes, “We live in Webster and drive over the Bay Bridge all the time and wonder what has happened to the property on the west side of the bay that used to have the Newport House on it. Looks like development started a few years ago but it now sits vacant. Why can’t someone finish it?”

There’s a “no trespassing” sign on the fence, and on the other side, boarded-up windows can be seen. Windows that will one day have a great view of the Irondequoit Bay Bridge, right on the water.

A listing on shows three-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath condos built in 2014 that are currently off market. Irondequoit Town Supervisor Andrae Evans says the town is working with RSM Development to restart construction of the idle project.

“The developer has received permits from the NYS DEC along with the Town of Irondequoit (EPOD Development) and are currently working with Monroe County to finalize the subdivision of the property,” Evans said.

He says right now, the town is reviewing the building permit applications for six townhouses during the initial phase of construction.

News10NBC reached the owner of RSM Development by phone to ask what the hold-up is. He said he didn’t want to comment now but will comment in a couple of weeks

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