Good Question: Why are the ‘I voted today’ stickers smaller this year?
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Why are the “I voted today” stickers smaller this year in Monroe County?
The “I voted today” sticker tells the world that people have done their civic duty but this election, a viewer noticed those stickers were smaller than in 2022. Linda says: “I voted early yesterday and, when I was finished, received the usual “I voted” sticker. But it is now so small, no bigger than a penny and hardy noticeable. Do you know why they have made it so small?”
The New York State Board of Elections says: “County boards of elections have the discretion to purchase ‘I voted’ stickers for their voters if they wish (and are able to based on budgetary constraints).”
The state board of elections says counties are not required to give out stickers and the state does not provide direction in terms of size or style. The Monroe County Board of Elections commissioners have more information.
A commissioner says: “An order was placed last year that unfortunately ended up having different dimensions than what is normally ordered. Because we had a healthy amount of them and we certainly did not want to be wasteful with tax payer dollars, we are using them until the inventory is depleted. A new order was made and the stickers will be back to the size voters are accustomed to soon.”
The traditional stickers have a diameter of about an inch and a half. The smaller stickers are just about an inch wide.
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