Zac Brown Tribute Band to play for U.S. troops in Japan

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You may have seen them playing at a festival or local bar. But the Zac Brown Tribute Band has been known to play shows all along the eastern seaboard. Now, they’re heading overseas to perform for U.S. troops in Japan.

“The feeling is absolutely euphoric.” That’s how Bryan Price describes his emotions as his band gets ready for a week of big shows.

Oh sure, Zac Brown Tribute Band has played in front of large, enthusiastic crowds before.

But this, Price says, is different. A week from Thursday, the Rochester-based band will be playing for American troops. Armed Forces Entertainment has booked them to play seven shows in seven days at Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine bases throughout Japan.

“For me, it’s a big honor to give back,” Price says. “I never served in the military, so for me to have the opportunity to give back to the troops, those that are giving so much.”

It isn’t the first time ZBTB has entertained American troops. The past few years they’ve been to bases in Jordan and Qatar. And Price says the reaction from the service men and women never gets old.

“I don’t even know how to say it, it was other-worldly, because they were so excited,” he said. “They were like, thank you so much for bringing part of home to us.”

If you’ve been to one of their shows, playing the country hits of the Zac Brown Band, you know ZBTB is a group of gifted musicians who routinely leave the people cheering for more. And while Price says they love the energy they get from their crowds, next week is about giving back. 

“Truthfully, I’m not sure I care about anything I get. All I want to do is give. These people are over here serving our country in a foreign land and away from their friends, away from their families, and they’re doing what they’re doing because they love our country,” Price said.

“I hope to see smiles and hope to give a lot of hugs.”

And when they return, they have a full slate of shows locally where you can see them. For a link to their performance schedule, click here: