Good Question: Can my E-ZPass be used for multiple cars?
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — The Good Question report is a follow-up about the Thruway. It’s one of the most popular Good Questions of the whole year!
A viewer sent us a tweet asking, “If you have an existing E-ZPass account and add the license plate number of another vehicle to the account, do you still need to buy a transponder tag for it?”
Many of you started asking the same thing after the Thruway went cashless in November 2020.
According to the New York E-ZPass website, each vehicle needs to be on your account, but you don’t need tags for each. You can swap one out between them as long as they are in the same vehicle class.
If you don’t have an E-ZPass, you’ll get a bill in the mail based on your plate and registration, and it will cost you 30% more, plus a $2 surcharge.

Watch previous Good Question segments here. If you have a question you’d like answered, email