Good Question: COVID-19 vs. flu cases

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — It’s that time of year, the peak for flu season. But what’s happening during the pandemic? Just how bad is the flu right now?

Jay is one of the viewers asking News10NBC about that: We are seeing nonstop coronavirus coverage every day. With that being said have there been any cases of the common flu in the area? It seems we haven’t heard any of these stats this winter like we would normally. Or is it that anyone testing for the flu is being lost as having COVID-19 and added to those numbers?

We do have flu cases but when you look at the numbers the flu is virtually non-existent compared to this time last year.

Check out the latest numbers from the NYS Department of Health’s flu tracker. Out of more than 400,000 tests statewide, just over 3,500 came back positive for someone having the flu.

State Numbers

That’s way below the total from last year.

Look closer at Monroe County. The state tracker shows just a few dozen cases this season so far compared to more than 5,000 for 2019-20.

Monroe County numbers

Again, these are known and confirmed flu cases reported.

More people could’ve had symptoms and just stayed home as a precaution with everything happening in the pandemic. Doctors do believe a big reason for such a drop in the trends has to do with all the washing, sanitizing, and social distancing we’re doing to stop COVID from spreading.


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