Good Question: How do I update my voting signature?

ROCHESTER,N.Y.(WHEC)—Casting absentee ballots is an issue News10NBC followed for months leading up to the 2020 election.

Last year, New York expanded the rules for who could vote absentee to anyone as long as you marked the box referencing the spread of COVID on your ballot application as a concern. The same goes for this year for primaries and the general election again this fall.

State lawmakers are also working to change NY’s constitution to make what’s known as no-excuse absentee voting permanent.

Charles asked News10NBC’s Brennan Somers: I am 70-years-old and my signature has changed a bit over the years. With the importance of future mail in voting in NY, how can I make sure my signature that is on record is the way I currently sign my name?

That’s a very important question, especially for anyone who didn’t vote absentee last time and may opt for mail in voting going forward starting this year.

Your signature is one of the key things election officials double-check when cross-referencing your info to make sure you are you when voting by mail. Local board of elections officials say they understand this concern because many voters’ writing styles may change over time.

If you reach out to them they can send you a signature update form. You’ll assign your signature and mail it back.

The board will update your files and attach the document to your voter record.


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