Good Question: Tracking out of state vaccinations

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) —We know this is one of the main focus points of the vaccine rollout–keeping up with the total number of New Yorkers vaccinated.

But what if you got your shots out of state? Where do you fall in line?

The easiest place to start is New York’s vaccine tracker.

Statewide, more than 55% of all New Yorkers eligible are fully vaccinated. In the older group– 18 and up– more than 70% have at least one shot. News10NBC’s Brennan Somers is hearing from viewers asking what goes into that tally.

Beth sent this message: My husband and I got both of our vaccine shots in Florida in March. We spend 4-5 months there every year. We are wondering if NYS counts us as having not being vaccinated?

The numbers say 70% of New Yorkers have received the vaccine. Perhaps that number is actually higher because all the snowbirds got their shots elsewhere.

Somers spoke with officials at the NYS Department of Health. Here’s what he got.

What you see online with the state comes right from the CDC and data through the NYS Immunization Information System (NYSIIS) and the New York City Citywide Immunization Registry (NYC CIR).

This covers the total number of NY’ers vaccinated anywhere, by anyone, including those "who received their vaccinations in other states" or at federal sites like Veterans’ Hospitals.

Those numbers are based on the county of residence you self-report when getting vaccinated.


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