Good Question: What documents do I need to get the vaccine?

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) —Here’s a Good Question about getting COVID shots.

Bill is in a unique situation and sent News10NBC’s Brennan Somers his message, and maybe this applies to you, too: "What are the ID requirements to get the shot, and what if you have an out-of-state license and live in New York?

There’s a whole list on the state’s vaccine hub.

For starters, everyone has to have some form of qualifying ID to show who you are, you’ll also have to show why you are eligible. To prove residency, you can use a state or government identification. Without one, you can show rent receipts, a copy of a lease, mortgage docs, or, you can also have a statement from someone you know. Mail or school records apply, too.

If your job qualifies you for a shot, there are certain items you’ll need to bring with you. like a badge or pay stub. If it’s because of your age, needed documents cover things like a license or passport. If you qualify because of an underlying condition, check with your vaccine site to see what else you may need to have, like a doctor’s note.

We can tell you health officials in all of our local counties aren’t asking for that. They want to streamline this to make it simple and easy,
but you will be asked to sign a form, swearing you are in a qualifying group.

A full recap is listed below:

What information do I need to provide to get vaccinated?
Eligible individuals registered with appointments at vaccination sites operated by New York State must present:

  • Sufficient ID (includes any identification issued by NYS, the Federal government i.e., military). Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian that can consent to the vaccine on their behalf.
  • And, proof of eligibility for vaccine
  • If an individual is eligible due to their employment status, they must prove they are employed in the State of New York. Proof may include an employee ID card or badge, a letter from an employer or affiliated organization, or a pay stub, depending on the specific priority status.
  • If an individual is eligible due to their age, they must produce proof of age and proof of residence in New York.
  • To prove New York residence, an individual must show one of the following: State or government-issued ID; consulate ID (if New York address is displayed); Statement from a landlord; current rent receipt or lease; mortgage records; or two of the following: Statement from another person; current mail; school records.
  • For age, such proof may include a Driver’s license or non-driver ID; Birth certificate issued by a state or local government; Current U.S passport or valid foreign passport; Permanent resident card; Certificate of Naturalization or Citizenship; Life insurance policy with birth date; or Marriage certificate with birth date.

To show they have comorbidities or underlying conditions, New Yorkers must provide documentation as required by the facility where they are getting vaccinated which must be either:

  • Doctor’s Letter, or
  • Medical Information Evidencing Comorbidity, or
  • Signed Certification


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