Good Question: What happens to unused sick days?

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — We’ve been telling you about that new law on the books in New York making sure you get paid for days missed at work if you’re sick. Employees started racking up hours last September. Now that it’s 2021, you can begin using that time.

This covers private sector businesses and their workers. You can get up to 56 hours of paid sick leave annually. The total an employer is required to provide varies, based on the size of the business and its income.

Jason asked News10NBC’s Brennan Somers about the new changes: Does the paid sick time that workers in NYS earn "rollover" year to year, or do employees lose it every calendar year? Also, are employers required to pay out any unused time accrued?

Your unused sick time will roll over, but your bosses may limit the days you can actually take based on what the law says you get for the calendar year.

The state law does not require businesses to pay out any unused sick days if you leave your current job.


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