Canandaigua firefighters to voice staffing concerns at city council meeting after deadly fire

CANANDAIGUA, N.Y. — Firefighters in Canandaigua plan to voice their concerns at the city council meeting Tuesday night.
The firefighters have expressed that they’ve been understaffed for years. Their concerns have intensified following a deadly fire over the weekend.
According to the firefighter’s union, there were only four firefighters on duty at the time of the fire. They claim this was insufficient to both control the fire and search for 98-year-old Saverio Campagna, who was trapped in the home on Jefferson Avenue.
The firefighters union, I.A.F.F. Local 2098, posted the following message on Facebook on Sunday, December 1:

When asked about staffing levels, the city referenced a study it commissioned in 2018. The study recommends staffing levels of four firefighters.
The City Council meeting starts at 7 p.m. News10NBC will go to the meeting and update this story with new information Monday night.
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