How people in the Rochester area captured the eclipse, and the excitement around it

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — It was a once-in-a-lifetime event: The total solar eclipse darkened the skies over Rochester on Monday. Viewers are sharing photos of how they’re celebrating the phenomenon.

News10NBC is Rochester’s Eclipse Headquarters. You can see our complete eclipse coverage here and a list of more eclipse viewing parties here. The skies started to darken in the Rochester area around 2:07 p.m. Totality began at 3:20 p.m. and lasted for 3 minutes and 38 seconds in the city.

Kimberly Davis sent this image of Rochester during totality.
Francine Laursen sent this image of the eclipse, as the moon made its way in front of the sun, from Canandaigua.
A crowd gathered on Cobbs Hill in Rochester to await the eclipse.
Alex’s 19th birthday (Credit: Jill Rider)
A view from Lyons, looking south toward Geneva, during peak darkness.
Herman’s Farm Market
Herman’s Farm Market
Dave “Bippy” Boyer made breakfast napkins
Heather Bicksler turns 13 on eclipse day (Photo credit: Chrissy Bicksler)
Creme brulee and moon cookies (Credit: Timothy Montondo)
Eclipse day is also Drew’s 16th birthday (Credit: Marcie Meade Lause)
View of Seneca Park on eclipse day (Credit: Nick Swann)
From left to right: Alex Williams, Dennis Muniz, News10NBC Producer Ed Brydalski, Alea Delong