AG releases report on death of Janet Jordan

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — The New York State Attorney General’s Office of Special Investigation released a report on Wednesday on the death of Janet Jordan.

The AG says off-duty RPD Officer Sergeant Melvin Williams murdered Janet Jordan, and then took his own life.

According to the report, on March 14, Janet Jordan got home from work around midnight. She was a 911 operator at the Monroe County Public Safety Communication Department.

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Security video showed no one else entered her home until after 2 a.m. According to the report, someone turned the camera mounted on the door to face the other direction and used a key to get inside.

An hour later, the camera showed Sgt. Williams leaving Jordan’s house. Video also shows Williams walking to his car and driving away. The report says Jordan’s husband got home around 7 that morning from his shift at the Monroe County Jail. He found his wife shot to death and called 911—telling the operator his wife was dead.

Digital evidence shows Williams sent messages to his family and another RPD officer indicating that he planned to take his own life. Authorities pinged his phone and found Sgt. Williams dead in his car in the parking lot of Veterans Memorial Park in Henrietta. Evidence suggested he shot himself with his RPD service weapon.

Other physical evidence showed Williams’ DNA inside Jordan’s home, and Jordan’s DNA was found on the jacket Williams was wearing when police found his body. Police also found a key to jordans house inside Williams pants pocket.

The medical examiner says Jordan died from being shot in the head and it was a murder. The medical examiner also said Williams died from shooting himself in the head.

Back in March, News10NBC spoke to Jordan’s mother.

“She lived every day to make the world a better place, to make somebody smile, you know?,” said Kaye Adams-McEwen, mother of Janet Jordan.

At the end of the AGs report, it says that the final autopsy reports for both Jordan and Williams have not been released yet.

The full report can be read below.