Good Question: Why does Rochester celebrate Pride a month later than the rest of the country?
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Why does Rochester celebrate LBGTQ+ Pride a month later than the rest of the country?
For most of the United States, Pride events happen in June. According to the Library of Congress, June is designated as National Pride Month because that’s when the 1969 Stonewall Riots in Manhattan started.
Susanna Speed, senior director of diversity, equity, and belonging at Trillium Health, explains why Rochester celebrates Pride in July.
“When they first started planning Rochester Pride, there were so many Prides nearby that were in the month of June that we didn’t want to interfere with other folks Pride like Buffalo, Syracuse, Toronto,” Speed said.
With more than 200 groups marching in the parade this year, it’s on track to be the biggest pride parade in Rochester’s history.
“At the end of the day, for me, Pride is about love. When you bring people together and just show the love that we have for our community, our loved ones, the work that has come before us, I mean, to me there’s nothing greater,” Speed said.
Rochester’s Pride Parade starts at 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 15 at the corner of Alexander Street and Park Avenue and travels down Park Avenue.
News10NBC will be marching in the parade this year. The festival happens at Cobbs Hill Park immediately after the parade. You can learn more here.
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